Equity-linked saving scheme (ELSS) is one of the only mutual funds that help you in tax saving. You can invest your money under ELSS in two ways either through SIP or lump sum payment.
SIP or Systematic investment plan is a process under which you can invest in mutual funds in small amounts periodically. This frequency can be weekly, monthly or yearly according to the investor’s preference while lump sum payment is investing in mutual funds in a single payment.
SIP and Lump sum payment are both good ways of investing in mutual funds. But it must be said SIP has the edge over lump-sum amount.
So what the benefits of Systematic investment plan over Lump sum payment?
Constant watch on the market not required
An inexperienced investor gets confused about the right time to invest in the market. Spending a significant amount is always risky in case of a market crash leading to severe losses. While you may get a good return if the market is on a high.
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SIP investment plans help in spreading your money over a period of time. It will help in minimizing the risk, and only a part of the investment will face the market risk.
Cost averaging
SIP investment plans also help investors invest money in different market cycles. The fund manager who is managing your SIP will accordingly buy more units and sell when the market is high, bringing more profits. This is called the rupee cost averaging.
Builds in the habit of saving
Under Systematic investment plan, an investor has to invest a fixed sum of amount in mutual funds which instils a habit of saving money.
Helps you plan better
Systematic investment plan helps you plan your investments and manage your monthly fund flow better. Unlike Lump sum payment where invest in mutual funds in a lump sum, through SIP, you can invest depending on the market conditions.
Good for new investors
If you are a new investor in mutual funds, then it always great to start it through SIP investment plans. It helps in giving the necessary expose about equities with lower risk. Once you gain the confidence, you go in for riskier equity schemes which will provide you with higher returns.
Better performance
Systematic investment plan consistently gives excellent long term return when compared with lump-sum investment.
While Systematic investment plan (SIP) cuts through market risk and keeps investing when the market is down. It helps in maintaining an investment discipline and move forward in a planned approach. While lump-sum investments are much riskier but give considerable returns in the long run.
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It is tough to say which one is the best. All depends on how much risk is the investor willing to take while investing in mutual funds. SIP investment plans are the best for new investors and salaried people who usually avoid risk and want fixed returns from mutual funds. Lump-sum investments are best for professional investors who have a good knowledge of the market and its risk and volatility.
Both the options are good, we can not say one is better than other. That’s because if you have lumspum then there is no question for SIP, but if you dont have lumspum amount money to invest then there is no question about Lumpsum. However, SIP will help you to average out the investment cost thus provide you better returns over the long haul.